Amer Jerlagic, president of the Party for B&H (SB&H), confirmed that Zeljko Komsic, leader of the DF, offered that DF remains in the government at the state level.
Jerlagic said that he spoke with Komsic yesterday morning after which he met with the President of the SDA, Bakir Izetbegovic.
“Komsic asked me to tell Izetbegovic that DF is ready to support a minority Federal government SDA-HDZ B&H and all reform laws which come to the Parliament, or that two DF’s minister remain in the government, one from SB&H and one from A-SDA as it was previously agreed,” said Jerlagic.
This would prevent the entry of the SBB in the government and realization of already agreed coalition between the SDA and the SBB at all levels.
However, Izetbegovic smoothly rejected the offer saying that it is “too late” for something like that.
According to the agreement between SDA and SBB, the formation of a new Government of FB&H is almost done. However, the key issue is what will happen with the coalition of SDA and DF in Canton Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton, as well as in the Council of Ministers of B&H.