Member of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, spoke about the possible imposition of new amendments to the FBiH Constitution and the Electoral Law of BiH by the High Representative for BiH, expressing his opposition to the proposed amendments to the FBiH Constitution that would result in additional ethnic supremacy in relation to civil principle, which makes BiH’s European path significantly more difficult.
He assessed that the indicated constitutional-normative solutions would weaken the BiH society and the state, announced the BiH Presidency.
Potential amendments to the FBiH Constitution, which envisage the introduction of the right of veto, and which would be “supported” with the support of 2/3 of the majority of the delegates of one nation from the FBiH House of Peoples and the support of the majority of representatives from one of the three ethnically most numerous cantons, depending on which nation we are talking about, are in contradiction with the fundamental European values on which the European Union and its member states are based.
“The European Court of Human Rights explicitly decided in the Pilav case that ‘the combination of ethnic origin and place of residence constitutes discriminatory treatment in violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights. This approach would further deepen discrimination against Others and citizens who refuse to declare their ethnicity, which is in direct opposition to the practice of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the court in Strasbourg,” assessed Bećirović.