The Chairman of the Municipal Council Centar Nedzad Ajnadzic called a meeting to discuss the continuation for implementation of the project “Museum of the Siege of Sarajevo – The Art of Living 1992-1996” (FAMA collection), which will likely be constructed at Hastahana in Marijin Dvor.
The idea for the construction of this museum was launched by a consortium consisting of four organizations: FAMA International, MESS, Obrazovanje gradi BiH, and the Initiative of Youth for Human Rights in B&H.
The meeting was attended by the advisors Mustafa Resic and Emir Muminovic, the Assistant to the Mayor for physical planning and communal affairs Alma Sadovic, representatives of the consortium Suada Kapic and Edin Mustafic, and the representatives of the municipal committee for veterans’ affairs and the committee for the public recognition and marking of historical events and individuals, as well as the representatives of the veterans’ association from the Centar.
During the course of the meeting, the commitment of the Centar Municipality leadership to take responsibility until the completion of the museum construction project at a site under municipal ownership was confirmed, since according to the attitudes of those present, it is our civil obligation, mostly because of future generations, that there be a permanent testimony to the sacrifice which the citizens of Sarajevo made during the wartime siege of Sarajevo.