Insurance Supervision Agency in the Federation of BiH announced that the new rule book on the calculation of the automobile liability insurance premium will be put into force.
Simplified, when registering the car, now all drivers pay the same price of the automobile liability insurance premium. An equal bonus of 50% is included to all drivers and insurance companies do not check whether someone caused a car accident in the previous year.
In a specific example it looks like this: If your premium with a bonus of 50% that is currently included for all users, amounts to 200 BAM and you cause an accident, the next year, your bonus will be 35%. It means that, instead of 200 BAM of the automobile liability insurance premium, you will have to pay 260 BAM.
The reference period during which the caused accident is being “remembered“ will be one year. That means that if you caused an accident and paid your next registration more expensive and you were an appropriate driver in the next year, you will again be eligible to the bonus of 50% during the new registration.
Although the Insurance Supervision Agency in the Federation of BiH said that it is not about the increase in price, but only about the new calculation, it is not quite true. Namely, conscientious drivers who do not cause an accident will not have an additional bonus, because it cannot be more than 50%, how much all drivers have now. Basically, changes will punish only those drivers who cause an accident.
(Source: Photo: