Prime Minister of FBiH Fadil Novalic confirmed that Development Bank of FBiH bought Agrokomerc from Velika Kladusa.
Early this year, the Government of FBiH adopted the Decision on preliminary approval to the Development Bank of FBiH for the purchase of real estate of the company Agrokomerc Ltd. Velika Kladusa at the court hearing.
President of the Government of FBiH Fadil Novalic confirmed that Development Bank of FBiH is the buyer of Agrokomerc, saying that they “purchased Agrokomerc from themselves.” He said that the debts amounted to about 100 million BAM and that Development Bank of FBiH offered as much money as it was necessary to satisfy the creditors, and emphasized at the same time that “other companies offered more, but they gave up.”
It was earlier announced from the Government of FBiH that Development Bank will ensure the funds for the purchase of real estate from its own resources, as well as funds for paying taxes and other costs related to real estate transfer. It is the same case with the funds for securing (deposit) of participation in the sale.
The goal was to purchase this property in order to ensure that they remain in the property of Agrokomerc, thus assets would be protected and the unity of production and processing units of the complex of the Food industry would be preserved