The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina commented on the allegation that the institution did not pay membership in the Interparliamentary Union and that Bosnia and Herzegovina would, therefore, be suspended.
The claim that Bosnia and Herzegovina is among the countries that did not pay membership was called “completely false”.
“Namely, on April 1, 2019, for the purpose of the annual membership of the Parliamentary Assembly in Group 12+ of the Interparliamentary Union, a payment of 536 Euros was made and the contribution for the membership of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Interparliamentary Union for this year was fully paid,” it was announced.
They deny that there are any debts by adding:
“Moreover, there is no name of Bosnia and Herzegovina on any current document of the Interparliamentary Union listing the member states with outstanding financial obligations.”
As stated in the announcement, since the content of this inaccurate news was multiplied by a number of portals after the first announcement, they were forced to publish the correction on the official website of the Parliamentary Assembly, as well as deliver it to a wider audience, not just to the media who published the information in order to stop or at least reduce its negative effects on the reputation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.