The Government of Tuzla Canton (TC) continues to equip the police and improve working conditions, for which 9.6 million BAM has been allocated. Ballistic equipment and weapons will be purchased, and 200 police officers will be employed in addition.
Namely, the Government of TC allocated an additional 9.6 million BAM for investment in the Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of TC. Minister Hajrudin Mehanovic revealed that ballistic equipment, weapons, and vehicles will be purchased from this money, among other things.
“When it comes to ballistic equipment, we will buy protective body armor and helmets for members of the special police, and among the weapons, pistols will be purchased to be used by new police officers. We will also acquire several new vehicles, as we currently have certain cars that have traveled over a million kilometers, and we also have some that are over seven years old, and their repair is more expensive than the value of the vehicle,” Mehanovic says.
Currently, the procedure for hiring an additional 200 police officers is underway, for which, in addition to the mentioned guns, it will be necessary to purchase uniforms, which will also be purchased from the amount of 9.6 million BAM.
“Security checks are currently underway for those candidates who have passed all the necessary tests and examinations. After that, they will be sent to the police academy,” added Mehanovic.
The Cantonal Minister of Internal Affairs states that the police of TC, according to their material, technical, and personnel capacities, can currently successfully respond to all the security challenges they face.
“The report for last year will show positive trends, and we are especially satisfied with the significant reduction in the number of fatalities in traffic accidents. The installation of stationary radars and interceptors also contributed to the state of traffic safety,” Mehanovic stressed.
The fight against organized crime, and drug abuse, and the prevention of all other violations of public order and peace will be the focus of the Tuzla police in the coming period as well.