The police officers in Canton Sarajevo (CS) will have higher salaries, because the payout base will be 295 BAM from January 1st this year.
This was established by the Agreement on the basis for the salaries payout for police officers of the Police Administration of the CS Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was signed yesterday by the CS Prime Minister, Elmedin Konakovic, and the Chairman of the Police Syndicate Executive Board, Mirza Hadziabdic.
As the Prime Minister Konakovic pointed out, according to the previously signed Collective Agreement between the Government and this syndicate, the basis for salaries payout to the police will be 295 BAM, instead of the previous 289.5 BAM, so their January salary will be calculated with a new base.
“The CS Government expresses its satisfaction because it has put maximum efforts to repair and improve the working conditions of the police. We have invested heavily in the equipment, we have ensured the hiring of new people, and we are particularly pleased that the police in the field, for the second time during the mandate of this Government has got salaries increase, “ the Prime Minister Konakovic emphasized, after the signing of this agreement.
The Chairman Hadziabdic, on the behalf of the CS Police Syndicate members, emphasized the satisfaction with the relationship and social dialogue that they had achieved with the current CS Government, and expressed the expectations that this practice would continue in the future.
“We expect to conclude elaboration of certain legal and by-law acts concerning the police, civil servants and employees in our Ministry very soon,” Hadziabdic said on this occassion.
Yesterday’s signing was attended by the CS Minister of Internal Affairs Vedran Mulabdic.