Students of the Secondary Electrotechnical School in Sarajevo from the Department of Electronics and Automation are the pride of their school, as well as BH society. They are winning gold medals in innovations for years, and their inventions deserve the attention of the world’s most renowned companies.
All inventions can be applied in a real life and they are designed to make our everyday life easier. According to them, they get their ideas when they look at their environment and see failures in the machines that are already in use.
A student and winner of a gold medal Mirza Mulabdic invented a Scout-cam robot, which can be used by the Border Police for car inspection.
Harun Kovacevic created a system for registration of employees. He noted that there is a possibility of certain malversations in the existing system, which made him think about a better solution.
“We decided to use a biometric data, the fingerprint, which disables the possibiliy of cheating, and our system is the most innovative way for a user to access the panel from home, you can create a PDF file, see the login and logout time, as well as the message from the director. It represents a certain kind of social network for companies,” said Kovacevic.
Bakir Kapetanovic made a robot for sorting trash, separating drinking water etc. He believes that this product can solve some global problems since it works on a molecular base.
Ismail Icanovic created something that will delight all dog and cat owners – a pet feeder.
“When we are not home for a long time, we always worry about the problem of who will feed our pet, regulate heating etc. It is hard to find a person for that. Now, we can do all of that from any part of the world, we just need to connect to the Internet. We created a very simple application, and even elderly people can use it. There are only three buttons that you need,” explained young Icanovic.
(Source: M. N./