What was the Amount of the Public Debt of BiH at the end of last Year
The indebtedness of BiH at the end of 2017 amounted to a…
What is the Amount of Public Debt of BiH?
Public debt of BiH amounted to a total of 11.353.620.000 BAM at…
How much indebted is RS on the International Market?
Yesterday, the RS successfully conducted the first emission of bonds on the…
BiH in Figures: Indebtedness of the Country, Citizens, living Standard
BiH is a medium-indebted country with a moderate economic war. However, the…
Dodik: Debt Restructuring is one of the Measures of the Economic Policy of the RS
The Government of the RS should determine an entity budget for the…
What is the total Amount of Debt per Capita in BiH?
Families in BiH are more indebted this year when compared to last…
Central Bank BiH: BiH is moderately indebted Country
BiH founded its first Central Bank as a sovereign state in 1997, and…
Minister of Finance: There will be no Tranche of the IMF, we hope that the Liquidity will not be endangered
Minister of Finance and Treasury of FBiH Jelka Milicevic stated that the…
What is the average Indebtedness of every Citizen of the RS?
At the end of the last year, the indebtedness of every citizen…
BiH: Significant Increase in Number of Employees and Production
On July 5, the Work Report of the Council of Ministers of…