The seventeenth consecutive summer European Youth Summer Olympic Festival (EYOF) will be held from July 23rd to July 29th, 2023, in the Slovenian city of Maribor.
With more than 30 years of tradition, EYOF is the largest multi-sport competition for young European athletes aged 14 to 18. 3.600 of the best young athletes from 48 European countries will defend the colors of their countries at this competition in ten sports: athletics, cycling, gymnastics, handball, judo, swimming, tennis, volleyball, skateboarding, and 3×3 basketball.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will be represented by nine athletes in four sports (athletics, judo, mountain biking, and gymnastics):
Athletics: Emina Omanovic, Bakir Music, Najla Prasljivic, Ermin Beganovic, Elma Hasanbasic
Mountain biking: Emrah Ljubuskic
Gymnastics: Katja Vujicic.
Judo: Amina Merjem Hebib, Adrian Djurdjevic.
The athletes will be accompanied by the head of the mission Mrs. Samra Jurisic and coaches: Vahida Kozic, Velimir Zahirovic, Kada Delic Selimovic, Adnan Mekic, Sasa Kovacevic, Karim Hebib.
“Dear athletes, you are on a mission, you represent the Olympic Committee of BiH, your sport, your city, and your families, and with your successes, you show that you are the best ambassadors of the State of BiH. We wish you the best of luck at the EYOF, a competition that was created for the best athletes in Europe and that will give you the opportunity to experience Olympism and gain invaluable experience for further competitions on the way to the Olympic Games,” said the president of National Olympic Committee of BiH (OCBiH) academician Izet Radjo to the athletes during the meeting with the BiH team.
The official opening ceremony will be held on July 23rd, starting at 8:30 p.m. at the Ljudski vrt (People’s Garden) stadium in Maribor, and the honor of carrying the flag of BiH at the opening ceremony of EYOF Maribor will go to athlete Emina Omanovic and judoka Adrian Djurdjevic, reports.