At the 19th session, the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) did not support the parliamentary initiative of Edita Djapo, which tasks the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies (DKPT) to take over the duty of preserving and protecting the Partisan Cemetery in Mostar.
The joint commission did not even support the parliamentary initiative of Mirjana Marinkovic Lepic, which orders the Council of Ministers of BiH to submit amendments to the Law on Border Control of BiH to the parliamentary procedure within 30 days, which would clearly prescribe which institutions are responsible for the removal of improperly placed signs, flags and other types of markings at border crossings in BiH and provide for amendments to the Rulebook on the form, content of markings and other traffic signals marking the border crossing and its area, the proximity of the border line, as well as the manner of placing those markings and signaling and other by-laws in accordance with the aforementioned amendments to the Law.
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the item related to the consideration of the Bill on Amendments to the Law on Defense of BiH, first stage in the competent commission, abbreviated procedure, proposed by deputy Mirjana Marinkovic Lepic, was removed from the agenda of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of BiH, it was announced from the Public Relations Department of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, writes.