This was the beginning of a campaign of extermination, in which mass executions and rapes were conducted, concentration camps were opened and many other crimes were committed, whose final outcome was the removal of 94% of Bosniaks and Croats from the territory of the municipality Prijedor.
Citizens’ initiative “Jer me se tice“ invited citizens to mark the International Day of White Ribbons in Prijedor, on 31st May this year. As in previous years, marking will be carried out with a walk through the main city street, and with laying roses with names of murdered children at the main square in Prijedor.
“23 years ago, non-Serbs from Prijedor had to “mark“ themselves with white ribbons. As an act of remembrance and compassion, we will wear white ribbons around hand on 31st May, which are not just symbol of remembrance on the persecution, but also the symbol of the ongoing struggle against fascism and discrimination on the basis of different identity and the denial of crimes“, as it was emphasized from the initiative “Jer me se tice“.
As it was stated from the initiative, citizens, with their attendance in Prijedor on 31st May, are helping parents to finally build a monument worthy of 102 innocent boys and girls who were killed in their city.