The program marking the beginning of the siege of Sarajevo 1992-1995 started on Tuesday evening in the City Hall with a screening of the documentary film “Symbol of Resistance – Loris Building” in video production by the author Armin Čolaković. The exhibition of black and white photographs “Room of Her Memories” by Toše Mitaševski was also opened today.
Mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić, said, that this film, through the symbolism of war events during the siege of Sarajevo, sends a message of life together, mutual assistance of citizens, not knowing borders of any kind, but only the spirit of togetherness, unity and multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious respect among people.
BiH Presidency member Željko Komšić believes that in this way we honor the people, first of all, who lived in the Loris building during the siege of Sarajevo, and many of them were wounded and/or killed, as well as the fighters who defended the entire settlement.
After the screening of the film, the official opening of the exhibition of black and white photographs “Room of Her Memories” by Toše Mitaševski was opened. The photographs speak of the meaninglessness and cruelty of war and were taken in Sarajevo in 1993. Some of his photographs were taken in the ruined City Hall, Fena reports.