According to the data published by the international education company Education First, citizens of BiH are on the 26th place among citizens of 72 world countries according to the knowledge of English language.
This analysis was conducted on the basis of results of English language proficiency of one million people in the world. The EF stated that their results show that almost in all countries women speak English better than men.
On the first place is the Netherlands, scored with 72.16 points. Second country is Denmark with 71.15 points, and on the third place is Sweden with 70.81 points. Following are Norway, Finland and Luxembourg. Citizens of these countries have demonstrated a very high degree of English language proficiency.
In the second group of countries are those whose citizens have a high degree of English language proficiency such as Austria, Germany, Poland and Belgium. In this category, neighbors from Serbia are on the 17th place with 59.07 points.
Bosnians and Herzegovinians are ranked as average according to English language proficiency. Namely, BiH is on the 26th place with 56.17 points, and behind BiH are South Korea, Italy, France, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia and Taiwan.
Last ten places have been taken by the citizens of Salvador, Oman, Kuwait, Mongolia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, Laos, Libya and Iraq.
Take a look at the entire list here.