The year 2012 proved to be very successful for the ”Prevent ” Company in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They have showed, only by doing their work in Visoko, Zenica, Goražde, Jelah, Travnik, Srebrenica and Sarajevo, how one can and may succeed in this rather harsh economic climate.
”During the year 2012, we have started a few new projects on new locations and we are optimistic about their future”- said the member of the Administration of ”Prevent” B&H and the director of ” Prevent” Sarajevo, Kenan Nalbantić. Nalbatnić pointed out that he is especially proud of his workers who made this success possible. The major project of the year 2012 was the design of the upholstery for one million cars.
Nalbatnić continues: ” This will be the third year as ”Prevent” B&H succeeds to design and make more than one million sets. Every set or the upholstery for every car consists of average seven individual parts, so seven million items marked with a ” Made in Bosnia” stamp were produced during this year. I think that is just impressive. This year the set of car upholstery was produced in Goražde, so due to that, we will organize a special ceremony to celebrate our success in Goražde.”