Mak Dizdar’s perception and interpretation of the tombstones is what is now as heritage passed on to his grandson, a young independent researcher and the lover of Bosnian heritage, Gorčin Dizdar. During his research visit to Armenia, East Turkey and Georgia he achieved to present the proof material for his early discussions on the topic of tombstones. Recently, at the exhibition called ”Ororots” at the Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo, Gorčin presented with his photographs the visual proof of the cultural links between the Medieval Balkan and Caucasus. With this particular research, he came to a significant conclusion related to the role of the Medieval Bosnia and its art in the spiritual and cultural history of Europe.
” Those are characteristics which differentiate the tombstones from other art phenomenons in the east and west Europe. Furthermore, the similarities are detected on the level of style of chiseling motives, the simplistic and free-hand approach to the composition, because of the impression that the motives are just ”scattered” on the surface of the stone. Although, tombstones share one significant feature with the Armenian stone crosses, for example, the shape of the tombstones was more frequent that the ” cradles”, and there we see the relationship towards the cross.”- says Gorčin
This young researcher was born in Sarajevo, on the 7th December 1984, where he finished the Sarajevo ”Druga gimazija”. He developed his interest for the tombstones as a little boy, thanks to the rich heritage of his grandfather Mak Dizdar.
” Although I never met my grandfather (he died thirteen years before my birth), thanks to his art work, our house library with hundreds of books dedicated to Bosnian culture, Mak’s private heritage in the Mak Dizdar Foundation and family conversation, I was introduces to the phenomenon of tombstones and the issues of Medieval Bosnia very early in my life”. – adds Gorčin.
Gorčin Dizdar proceeds to interest himself with the aforementioned issues, and upon his graduation at the Oxford University, where he studied both philosophy and German language and literature, he decided that contemporary philosophy and social sciences, as well as the questions of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s past and present is the path of education he wants to explore further.
” Studying at Oxford was really a magnificent experience, intellectually and privately. As far as the studying program is concerned, the significance of the Oxford University is that every former student receives a great amount of their attention. Here, unfortunately, learning by heart dominates the ways of studying, while at Oxford the emphasis is on the development of personal critical thinking.”- says Gorčin
Gorčin is currently busy with his doctoral studies at the University of York in Canada, where he is attending the program of humanistic sciences, financed by the highest scholarship of the Canadian Government ( Vanier Graduate scholarship). As he says, the doctoral studies at this University present a very inspirational environment, because the emphasis of the whole program is on its interdisciplinary side.
” The doctoral studies enable me to focus on the symbolism of the tombstones from several perspectives, i.e. philosophical, historical, aesthetic anthropological, and theological. In my opinion, these kinds of approaches are the only ones that bring the necessary freshness to the frequent dull interpretations and analysis of the cultural history”- concludes Gorčin
Translated excerpts of the text written by Kimelma Rondić. Officially published at: