With the aim to give children the childhood they deserve and feel the charm of her own childhood, Adela Dobric from Travnik decided to create a cloth puppet Adellina, which she registered in the Institute for Intellectual Property of BiH as the first officially designed puppet in BiH.
Creation of one doll requires a total of 10 hours of effective work, and interest in Adellina is huge. Fellow citizens were a great support for Adela from the very beginning and they were first to buy the puppet, which is now present in numerous homes outside of BiH.
“I wanted to remove tablets, cell phones, and aggressive games from lives of our children and to put cloth puppets back in their hands. I was thinking of making a puppet-boy Adelino, but there is no interest in him. My goal for the upcoming period is to realize mass production with a faster process of production of my puppets,” said Adela.
“It is a pleasure to see that I have returned the parents of these children back to their childhood and to see our children playing with these puppets. A huge amount of toys is affecting the concentration of our children, and we are buying them so much today that they are not playing with anything,” concluded Dobric.
Besides making and selling puppets, Adela often donates her products to people who are not able to afford a puppet for their child, and she helps other people who need financial or material help with the money that she earns from selling her puppets.
In the following period, Adela is planning to launch more massive production of her puppet Adellina and to create new business relationships that would make her path to success much easier, with the support and understanding of her family.
(Source: E. M./Klix.ba)