At the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Archaeological Park, renouncements were distributed, as reported by the management of the Bosnian Pyramid Foundation and the reason for this is a decrease in tourist visits to archaeological sites and lower revenue than expected.
For the reasons mentioned above, the Bosnian Pyramid Foundation and Company decided to withdraw concrete steps and to distribute redundancies to numerous professional, guide and office staff, leaving only directors to keep legal entities in operation.
They point out that reduced revenues and visits to the archeological park are the reason for the drastic sanctions, and employees were offered to volunteer in times of crisis.
“All investments, supplies of equipment, instruments and tools have been halted, as well as the anticipated scientific recordings scheduled for this season. The existing ‘Vremeplov’ installation at Ravne 2 Park will be conserved after the first phase of works is completed. In the next few months, the Foundation will maintain necessary security measures in all tunnels and the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and the impeccable level of tidiness, cleanliness and amenities in Ravne 2 Park and parking spaces, so that the guests of the Foundation will not feel any changes in the experience of the pyramids, ” the statement said.