At a session in Sarajevo, the FBiH Government established an opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Salaries and Allowances in the FBiH institutions, sent into parliamentary procedure by the caucus of SBB in the House of Representatives.
The opinion stated that the government accepted as a legitimate the proposal for amending the Act.
The government also adopted the conclusion in which it commissioned the relevant ministries that, within its jurisdiction, prepare amendments to the regulations in this area, in order to be in compliance with this law.
The FBiH Government change the Decision on preparation and construction of the mine and power plant (TPP) Banovići block – 300 MW with the aim of complying with the earlier decisions taken regarding this project, and in the direction of improving the technical and technological characteristics of the block.
With this decision, the government raised the upper limit of installed capacity to 350 MW, which gives the opportunity to qualified companies to provide solutions stemming from other referent plants.
The FBiH Government adopted the Decision on allocation of funds from the current transfer “subsidies to public enterprises – Transfer to the FBiH Railways” in accordance with the Decision on temporary financing of FBiH for the period January – March 2015.
The FBiH Government has accepted the report of the Agency for the Sava River Basin Sarajevo on floods and implemented activities on flood prevention in 2014 in the Sava River Basin in the Federation of BiH.
The government adopted three decisions on granting prior approval to the proposed solutions on the allocation of part of the funds established by the FBiH budget for 2014 to the FBiH Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry on behalf of mitigation of damages caused to economic entities due to floods.
At the request of Transparency International BiH for cooperation in conducting the monitoring of the privatization of companies in the Federation of BiH, and in order to improve the transparency of this process, the government agreed that this NGO is allowed insight into the process of privatization, announced the Public Relations Office of the Government of FBiH.
(Source: Fena)