The Minister of Civil Affairs Sredoje Nović will participate in the 18th joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of CEEPUS (Central European Program of Exchange of University Studies) that will be held in Vienna.
The Committee is the highest governing body of CEEPUS and meets every other year. Its goal is to review the implementation of CEEPUS program in member countries, address the difficulties encountered in individual countries and brings decisions that would enable the realization of the CEEPUS program.
During the meeting of the ministers of all countries participating in CEEPUS they declared the exchange on the number of stipend months that countries ensure for the next academic year.
In the 2013/2014 academic year BiH will ensure 100 stipend months for foreign students and professors who are interested in staying in BiH.
BiH is participating in CEEPUS program from the 2008/2009 academic year and from then has participated in the exchange of 200 visitors, 300 students and professors from BiH.
The main goal of CEEPUS, in which 16 member states are participating currently, is the development of academic cooperation of central and south east Europe by creating university network, and to contribute to the building of the European high education and the use of regional academic mobility as a strategic program for the implementation of Bologna goals.
CEEPUS III further argues for linking scientific research and to increase the number of scientific research projects at universities.