As of yesterday, Bosnia and Herzegovina started receiving natural gas through the Turkish Stream, and not, as has been the case so far, through Ukraine and Hungary. The company Energoinvest, which is an authorized supplier of gas to FBiH, signed an annex to the previous contract with the Russian state company Gazprom, which specifies that from April 1, the delivery will take place in a new direction, ie a gas pipeline called Turkish Stream, Glas Srpske writes.
Until now, gas came through the gas pipeline through Ukraine and Hungary, and it should have been like that until the end of 2023, and the representatives of Energoinvest claim that they had to agree to a new request from the Russian supplier.
”Gazprom has left us neither space nor the option for further transport on the Hungarian route from April 1,” Energoinvest director Bisera Hadzialjevic told Klix
The annex to the gas supply agreement for BiH, ultimately offered by Russia, was signed despite a clear warning from the US Embassy in BiH that it could lead to sanctions, as the current US administration sees Russia’s Turkish Stream and Nord Stream projects as Moscow’s efforts to undermines European stability and makes the continent completely dependent on Russian gas, Hina reports.