Around 500 members of bikers clubs from all over BiH and countries of the region came to the Memorial Center in Potocari, where they joined participants of the Peace March. Bikers paid tribute to the victims of Srebrenica genocide for the sixth consecutive year with kilometers long ride.
Besides bikers from BiH, bikers from Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Libya, Switzerland, and Turkey sent a message once again that Srebrenica should never be repeated.
Dzemal Kalesic came to Potocari with his wife Karla from Koprivnica with the message “always to be peace”.
Next to them was war veteran Predrag Tomas, who is coming on the anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica from Vukovar from the year of 2011.
“I am regularly visiting my friends in Potocari and Srebrenica with whom I deeply sympathize, and a serious crime, similar to this one in BiH, was also committed in Vukovar. We all need peace and we are coming here with that message,” said Tomas.
Suad Velic from Velika Kladusa took part in the Bihac-Srebrenica motorcycle marathon for the third time.
“The road is always good, and the emotions here are always very strong. We have nothing else to say except not to allow that Srebrenica genocide repeats ever again,” stated Velic.
(Source: Dz. C./