Sri Lanka, a country full of exotic destinations, faces with numerous problems and the minimal resources and lack of solutions have put this country in a great need for volunteers from all over the world who can and want to help.
Dzenita Mujkanovic, a student at Richmond Park International High School in Tuzla, decided to spend her school holidays helping the people of this small island country this summer.
“Today, as nations around the world become more united, there are problems beyond our borders that need the intervention of communities. It is important to know when we have the opportunity to help and to do our best,” says Dzenita, referring to her engagement in Sri Lanka.
This young girl, a high school student from Tuzla, instead of spending holidays with her peers, chose to do humanitarian work far from her home, a place where she felt she needed and could help.
Dzenita spent the summer with children from rural areas in Sri Lanka, teaching children various skills through lectures and workshops. The children in this country, Dzenita says, do not have the education they need, so her involvement in this field was aimed at partially promoting it.
Their community facilities – temples used by the community do not have enough money to be maintained, so Dzenita used her stay in this country to incorporate her work into their reconstruction.
“When I looked around I would see nothing but a broken system. A seemingly irreparable condition. I would ask myself, does what I do contribute to anything? At that moment I look at what I have in front of me. It was a group of children looking at me curiously and a family smiling at my temple while I was painting the wall. Then, I realize that every moment of every life is part of humanity. It was an added motivation for me to do my best and help as much as I can, “Dzenita recalls, remembering her stay in Sri Lanka, News Agency Patria reports.