Due to the lack of a sufficient amount of natural gas, public utility “Sarajevogas” d.o.o started disconnecting heating plants (Toplane) – Sarajevo from the gas system, it was announced from this company.
It was said from the Toplane that six large boiler rooms have already been shut down, and all other boiler plants are expected to be shut down.
“In this regard, we can expect that a large number of citizens will be left without heating tomorrow,” they added yesterday.
Given that certain quantities of alternative fuels were spentduring the past period due to the same problem, and as extremely low temperatures are expected in the next period, “Toplane – Sarajevo” d.o.o. does not have enough fuel to heat with alternative fuels.
“If the conditions for normalizing the supply of natural gas are not met tomorrow, our customers will not have a regular supply of thermal energy,” they added yesterday.
To recall, on January 12th this year, there was a problem in the delivery of natural gas to Toplane, after which they switched to alternative fuels for a few days.
Then “Sarajevogas” announced that they has a limited supply of gas from the supplier Energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo.
Representatives of Energoinvest then said that due to the dispute on the route Energoinvest – Sarajevogas, smaller quantities of gas are being delivered to this company and that citizens are “unnecessarily disturbed because additional quantities of gas can be ordered”.
Source: Klix.ba