The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to BiH, Hani bin Abdullah Mominah, signed the Agreement on the construction of a building of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the owner of Shad Invest Ltd. Sulejman Al-Shiddi.
The building will be constructed on Wilson’s Promenade on the surface of 5,000 square meters, and the value of the project is estimated at 20 million EUR.
Ambassador Mominah expressed his satisfaction with the signed agreement, and added that the construction of this building will be another proof of good cooperation between BiH and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Works will last for 20 months, and the Ambassador expressed his hope that the construction will be completed even before the deadline.
“This will be the largest and most beautiful object not only in BiH but in the region as well. It will be a reflection of the relationship between the Kingdom and BiH,” said Al Shiddi and added that a domestic BH team will be included in the construction of the object.
“The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided for the labour force that will be working on this building to be from BiH, which is a sign of the great interest of the Government of KSA for large investments in BiH,” noted Al-Shiddi.
Works on the construction of the building, which will be attractive and equipped in accordance with the latest standards and in compliance with the environment, will start as soon as all the necessary licenses are issued.