The documentary movie “December 1992”, whose premiere will be on February 27th, is devoted to the 75 died fighters who gave their lives in December 1992, and handles the biggest Sarajevo battles. The movie tells stories about each of them with authentic footages from that period.
As movie producer, Samir Petrovic said for agency Fena, the setting of movie is Hill Zuc, as well as the battles for the liberation and defense of the plateau of this hill.
“This movie is dedicated to all the defenders of Sarajevo in memory of the heroic fight for the survival of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). During Sarajevo’s biggest battles in the wider area of Hill Zuc, according to the unofficial data, hundreds of war fighters gave life, and over 1.000 of them got serious or easier injuries by defending Sarajevo,” Petrovic said.
In the documentary film, each of these 75 fighters is specifically “processed”, it talks specifically about each and every fallen fighter, how old they were, when they entered the Army of BiH, where they were killed, under what circumstances, and what was the cause.
“The goal of the documentary movie ‘December 1992’,“ as Petrovic points out, is for the brightest pages of BiH history to be kept from the oblivion, to at least partially show to the future generations that “the fourth military force in Europe struck on Sarajevo and BiH, and that the criminals who were at the hill above the city killed over 15 thousand residents of Sarajevo, out of which there were 1.500 children.”
“The fact that Sarajevo was defended in these battles represents a special significance for this story, “ Petrovic said.
He emphasized that the movie is authentic, and that he used a lot of emotion and effort to record this documentary.