The number of traffic accidents in the Canton Sarajevo (CS) has been reduced by 929 accidents or 8.22 percent from the application of the amended Traffic Safety Act in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which has been in force since February 15th2017.
As it is found out from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of CS, in 2017, 10.438 traffic accidents were registered in the CS area, while in 2016, 11.367 accidents occured.
“Police officers of the Police Administration of MIA have issued 37.470 offense orders to drivers for exceeding the permitted speed, while 2.250 drivers have been caught while driving after alcohol usage,” they told from the MIA of CS.
A total of 184.538 offense orders were issued to the drivers in CS territory, due to violations of regulations in the field of traffic safety.
The amended Traffic Act has made stricter penalties for the use of mobile phones during driving. Thus, in the CS 3.670 offense orders were issued to drivers who used the mobile phone while driving the vehicle.
Number of offense orders for pedestrians has also been increased.
“We have warned 1.712 pedestrians, while 3.345 offense orders have been issued to them,” they told from MIA of CS.
To recall, the new Traffic Act has made positive moves in most of our country. This is evidenced by the data from nearly all MIA in BiH on a smaller number of traffic accidents. An increase in the number of accidents last year was recorded only on the roads in Tuzla and Posavina Canton.
According to data from several MIA, more than a hundred pedestrians and cyclists were punished in the past year, due to the use of headphones and mobile phones in traffic. Dozens of drivers were punished due to tire scrapes, and thousands for using the mobile phones during driving.