Dairy “Eko sir Puđa” is located in Golinjevo near Livno. Its primary activity is production of top cheeses made of the highest-quality milk.
“Eko sir Puđa” is the only dairy that buys goat milk in the wider area of B&H, the only dairy that processes three kinds of milk (goat milk, sheep milk and cow milk), and the only cheese factory in B&H with halal certificate. Current daily milk processing capacity amounts to between 10,000 and 15,000 liters, and 20 people are employed.
Director of the Dairy “Eko sir Puđa” Tomislav Puđa answered several questions about this company.
What is interesting is that this dairy is the only cheese factory with halal certificate in B&H. Why did you decide to take this step and how significant it is to adjust the production with quality standards?
We have certainly adjusted the production process with quality norms, i.e. the necessary certificates. We are holders of the ISO 9001: 2008 certificate and the HACCP, the certificate in our possession for already ten years now. We proudly say that we are the only cheese factory in B&H will implemented halal certificate for three years now. This primarily means the fulfillment of prerequisites for conquering markets of Arab countries, and we are investing great efforts in finding a quality business partner. That would bring the products of our dairy farm to that multimillion, quality market.
You have received numerous domestic and international awards for the quality of work of “Eko sir Puđa”. Which one is of special significance for you?
Our product is the best ambassador of what we do and how successfully we do it. Judging by this, “Eko sir Puđa” is a successful business entity. This can be proven by numerous awards received at all fairs we participated in. We won a golden medal for quality at the World Cheese Fair in Tirol, Austria, the region famous for the production of quality cheeses. That is an honor and recognition that gave us support and confirmation that there is a chance for living in the region of Livno for all those who want to work.
What are your plans for the future?
Our activities are aimed at strengthening export, expansion of production, investing in certain types of tourism, modeled after experiences from European countries, as well as the founding of our own company within which a breeding center will be operating and in which our subcontractors will be able to provide high-quality heifers, veterinary station services and milk quality testing. This would significantly round up our operating cycle, allowing us to direct all our powers to conquering new markets, since we have products that can compete with any other products.
(Source: akos.ba)