Cyclist Anu Hark from Estonia has been traveling from Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina by bike for 54 days. She is spending the last few days in the capital of BiH, where she meets new people all the time. She says that people are her main motive for cycling and that she cycled almost 5.300 kilometers so far.
Anu says this is not her first route. She started the trip in June from Estonia, cycled through France, Switzerland, Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia, and now she is in BiH.
“I have probably cycled even more kilometers, given that data on my phone does not show the real situation and that Google Maps can stop working sometimes. I heard that Sarajevo Film Festival is currently in progress in Sarajevo, although I am accidentally here in that period. I did not know much about the SFF, but I am trying to gain more information. Talking to people is the main reason why I travel this way and it gives me the most strength for cycling and passing so much kilometers,” Anu says.
Anu adds she is a bit tired, but she does not give up although this kind of recreation is not simple for women at all.
“Belgrade will be my last stop because my trip is almost over. In every country I buy some souvenirs that will revive memories of the trip,” Hark says.
In the end, Anu says that she mostly knows the answer when she asks people which way to go or how many kilometers there are between certain points, but does that because she wants to start the conversation and socializing.