The explosives company “Tvek” from Ljubija intends to build a plant for the production of mining explosives as well as an explosives warehouse in the settlement of Ljubija near Prijedor.
According to the website of the Government of Republika Srpska (RS), until now explosives were produced in a repurposed service workshop facility at the location of the Central Mines of the RZR Ljubija mine, on Tomruci hill.
The decision from 2013 issued by the Spatial Planning Department of the city of Prijedor granted temporary use of this space, which is one of the reasons for the construction of new facilities.
Due to the increase in demand for these products and the limited period of use of the service-drive workshop for these purposes, the company “Tvek”, which was otherwise formed in a founding role with RZR Ljubija, decided to build facilities at a new location.
The chosen location is located within the exploitation field of the Central Mines of the Ljubija mine at the tailings disposal site of the Litica surface mines where the exploitation of iron ore has been completed.
Back in 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a Decision on consent to the location where facilities for the production and storage of commercial explosives would be built. Location conditions were issued to “Tvek” in 2019. Now “Tvek” has entered the procedure of renewing the location conditions, and thus renewing the Previous Environmental Impact Assessment.
Machines and devices on which the production of commercial explosives is now carried out will be relocated to a new location in newly built facilities, while the existing technology for the production of explosives will be maintained.
These explosives are safe to use and meet all safety and environmental standards during production, storage, and transportation.
Furthermore, on an annual basis, 5.000 tons of ANFO explosives and 10.000 tons of emulsion explosives would be produced there, writes.