Soup Kitchen “Stari Grad” from Sarajevo marks the 26th anniversary of its existence today, which is a really special day for Aunt Zilha and a total of 1,200 users of this soup kitchen who will also receive packages with groceries.
“We started together, and our anniversaries just passed by. We went through a lot. Today is a great day for us. This morning, we gave to all of our users a kilogram of sugar, cakes, beans soup with dried meat, towels, a watch, 200 grams of coffee, a kilogram of apples and a kilogram of raw meat. There are few people in BiH today who can share something like this, and not to take a loan,” said Zilha Seta, who is better known as Aunt Zilha.
The first meal in this soup kitchen was cooked on March 27, 1992, for the residents of the then besieged city, and it is considered as the official date of the establishment of the Soup Kitchen “Stari Grad”.
“The importance of this institution is large. However, our wish is to reduce the number of soup kitchens and their users, which, unfortunately, is not happening in recent years,” stated Mayor of the Municipality of Stari Grad, Ibrahim Hadzibajric.
Today was also signed the agreement on the annual grant to the Soup Kitchen “Stari Grad” in the total amount of 40.000 BAM.