Parents’ House, which was opened in April this year within the Pediatric Clinic Jezero, with the purpose that children from all over BiH who are being treated for cancer be with their families, will not have problems with funding when it comes to the year of 2017.
This is the message of the Government of Canton Sarajevo, the Prime Minister Elmedin Konakovic and Minister of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees Amela Dautbegovic, who allocated 110,000 BAM for financing the work of this House.
“As we promised on our last meeting with the members of the Association of Parents of Children suffering from cancer in October, we were pleased to redirect money from savings achieved in this year’s budget to this purpose,” said the Prime Minister Konakovic.
He recalled that the Parents’ House, opened and built by donations of individuals, companies, Clinical Centre in Sarajevo, whose basic purpose is to allow families from other parts of our country to spend time with their children while they are treated in Clinical Centre Sarajevo. As such, the House does not have adequately solved issue of funding, and it depends on the willingness of good people and organizations. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Konakovic said that Government of Canton Sarajevo is ready to cover the missing financial difference for the functioning of the House.
“People here understand each other, we have family relationship and children can feel it, they feel better, and daily conversations with the psychologist helped me a lot as well, I was mentally completely sunk,” said the young single mother Dragica Raic.
In the House are currently staying young patients and their parents from Zenica, Sapna and Tuzla. Therapies of medical team, as they noted, are giving encouraging results. More than 80 % of patients successfully complete their treatments. Director of UCCS Sebija Izetbegovic says that this financial injection to help the House, but that they should look for systemic method of financing the Parents’ House, and that funds should be stable and constant. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced that they will be actively involved in this process.