A Prosecutor from the Terrorism Section of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, after interviewing the suspect, sent a motion that the suspect be ordered into custody, namely Begzad Spahic , born in 1980 in Zenica, a citizen of BiH.
The suspect has been under investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH and is charged with twice going from BiH to the battlefield in Syria in 2013 where he joined the formations within the terrorist organisation “ISIL”, which was declared a terrorist organisation by the UN Security Council. He was arrested in the Republic of Turkey in 2017, after which he was extradited to BiH on 11 February 2021 and arrested based on a warrant of the Zenica Municipal Court issued against him for other criminal offences.
After his release from custody, on the order of the case’s prosecutor of the Terrorism Section of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, the suspect was deprived of his freedom by SIPA police officers.
The accused is charged with the criminal offence of Organising a Terrorist Group under Article 202d (2) as read with paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code of BiH, all in conjunction with the criminal offence of Terrorism under Article 201 of the same Code.
Custody was moved for the reasons described in Article 132 (1) (a) and (c) of the Criminal Procedure Code of BiH.
The motion has been sent to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.