Miss Tanović, can you tell us something about yourself?
T: I graduated from the elementary school Safvet-beg Bašagić and elementary music school Mladen Pozajić. After that, I finished Secondary Grammar School and I am currently fourth year student at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo.
You are the best BiH cyclist and you are currently 73rd according to UCI ranking of professional mountain cyclists. When and how was your love for cycling born?
T: Seven years ago I bought my first bike and became a member of the Mountain Cycling Club “Puls”, where I met my coach Amar Njemčević who recognized the will to train inside of me. Every day I would ride the bike more and more and then I started taking training more seriously and notice the results. I always felt love for biking and that is something that has pushed me forward in the difficult time, something that gave me a motive to move on. Another thing that encourages me is the support of my family and sponsors.
Is there any anecdote or interesting situation that occurred during some of the races that you want to share with our readers?
T: Races are usually held on mountains and high altitudes so I encounter many different animals such as deer, rabbits, foxes, bears, even bobcats. Races are also held in laps, they are circular, so they require a lot of effort and technique, so I often witness situations when other competitors fall and even I fall sometimes. However, injuries rarely occur. An interesting thing is that all competitors in the race test the track, those who are the best and those who are the last in the world, so athletes are actually very kind.
You became the champion of the Balkans, you climbed the podiums of many international UCI races. Tell us some of the most important wins.
T: I am currently 73rd in the world and that is my best UCI ranking. Apart from that, I would single out the two times when I was the vice champion of the Balkans and that I am currently the champion of the Balkans in elite category. I am also the only cyclist from Bosnia and Herzegovina to win some UCI race. Some of my favorite achievements are placement among three best female athletes of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015 and the award for fair play in 2014. I currently hold 12 medals from UCI races, seven of which are from this season.
What are your aims for 2017?
T: Until now, my coach and I always set realistic aims and we always managed to meet them, so placement among the best 50 cyclists in the world seems like a logical aim. Also, our aim is to perform at world cup races, if we have financial possibility, and placement among the first 50 at the race would also be a huge success for BiH. We will dedicate the most to general progress, just like we did this season, so I will use many races for training, given that I have more than 20 races during the season. One of the aims will certainly be the re-winning of the Balkan Championship?
Are you going to manage to qualify for the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020?
T: Qualifying for the Olympics in Tokio is certainly the main long-term aim for me and my coach and all my training sessions will be directed at that aim. I am convinced I can meet the norm for Tokio, especially if I maintain the tempo I currently have and if some injury or another unforeseen situation prevents me from succeeding in that. I am sure I have the quality and we will work a lot in the next four years to meet all the aims, especially Tokio.
Describe to us your working day.
T: I get up really early and my entire day is dedicated to training. The type of training depends on the period of the year, as well as the number of training sessions. In the winter I have longer training sessions that last around five hours, while in the summer the training sessions are shorter, but more intense. After breakfast, I prepare myself the food I will eat all day and start my training. After the training session I usually go to university or study, and then if I have another training session that is what I do. My days are usually pretty much filled in and that is what makes me complete and pushes me to maintain my daily routine of training and balanced nutrition.
Interview by Zejna SY/ photo muskiportal/redbull