“Some people call me “Uncle Miso 2“. I have continued a tradition and I will keep doing it in the future and a big thanks to the citizens of Sarajevo. I have to say that I am the most grateful to Mayor of Sarajevo, Ivo Komsic. My wife died two month ago and he, with his staff, helped me to bury her, because I had not money. They also helped me when my father died. Please, publish this“, said Ramiz earlier.
A year and a half ago, more precisely in January 2014, the main city promenade have lost its shoe cleaner, but not only that, a Sarajevo legend-Uncle Miso went.
Uncle Miso was born in 1931 in Kosovo, and his real name was Husein Hasani. He worked as a shoe cleaner for sixty years, and moved to Titova street twenty years ago. After his death, his son Ramiz continued a tradition of shoe cleaning in Titova street.
At the beginning of the story, Ramiz thanked to the authorities for help and everything they done for him, but what about today? Today, Ramiz has no more his workplace.
For some time, Ramiz is not there where his father was, in front of McDonalds. We talked with him and he said that he is shocked with the attitude of authorities.
“My father worked there for years, and it was logical that I will continue a tradition, he is a legend of this city. I have worked until 25th May, and then, employees of McDonalds said that I have to go, that I cannot be there anymore. I do not know why“, said Ramiz.
He started a petition by which, as he said, he could bring back a workplace he deserves.
I started a petition on 4th June and until now, I collected around 2.000 signatures, I do not know how much I need, but I will keep collecting them. I have addressed to Mayor, who helped me earlier, but I never got an answer. I also went to the Mayor of the Municipality Center, Dzevad Becirovic, but in vain“, said this shoe cleaner sadly.
Who is bothered by a long tradition in Titova street and this shoe cleaner?
(Source: radiosarajevo.ba)