The famous photo was taken by British photographer Tom Stodart, whose task was to make a photo-essay about the women in the besieged Sarajevo.
Few people in the world were famous and yet not aware of it at all, like the Sarajevan Meliha Varešanović, or Bosnian Sophia Loren-according to the Cracked magazine, that wrote about Meliha as a woman who brought glamor to the war zone.
Last year, this magazine included this photograph to the list of 5 photo-stories of brave women rebels in history.
‘I did not know I was photographed at all. I was passing this way, as I had done earlier, because I went to work in the Novo Sarajevo municipality, where I am still working. I went to visit my sister on Dobrinja, and that was the road where you could go’, says Varešanović, and adds:
‘As for the dressing, I always tried to be neat and nicely dressed. Spite and defiance were added to that walk and pride, it was my way to banish fear’, says this Sarajevan.
The famous photo was taken by British photographer Tom Stodart, whose task was to make a photo-essay about the women in the besieged Sarajevo.
The photograph was firstly published in the Life magazine, and later in a number of world-renowned magazines.
In year 2012 there was an auction held in London, where the mentioned photograph was the most notable, which was confirmed by its author, says Varešanović.
As claimed by this Sarajevan, just after the photo was taken, the shooting on Dobrinja started.
‘The shell landed somewhere near, I stopped for a moment, and then continued my way without looking back.’