In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the weather this morning is moderate to mostly cloudy, and somewhere in Krajina there is a slight rainfall.
Air temperatures recorded at eight o’clock in the morning: Bjelašnica 2; Jajce 9; Bugojno, Sokolac 10; Ivan Sedlo 11; Livno, Sanski Most, Tuzla 12; Banja Luka, Bihać, Doboj, Sarajevo, Srebrenica 13; Bijeljina, Brcko, Gradačac, Grude, Mostar, Prijedor 14; Trebinje 15; Neum 19.
Today, cloudy weather will dominate in BiH, and after afternoon, with thunderstorms. The expected amount of rainfall in Krajina, located in the northwest of BiH and in the west of Herzegovina ranges from 30 to 60 liters per square meters, locally to 80, and in the rest of our country, mostly between 5 and 20, was reported by the Federal Meteorological Institute.
Mostly cloudy weather with rain in Sarajevo with the daily temperature around 16 degrees Celsius.
For the most part of Krajina, an orange meteoalarm is on due to expected rainfall, with wind from 40 to 50 kilometers per hour.