The Government of the FBiH adopted the Decision on adopting spending program with criteria for distribution of funds for transfers to individuals for solving the socio-status issues of war veterans and their family members, as determined by the Ministry for issues of veterans and disabled veterans of the defensive-liberation war through amendments to the Budget of the FBiH for 2017.
The amount of 7 million BAM was approved for the process of solving the status issues of the members of the war veteran categories that are in need. The right to use these funds belongs to members of these categories under the conditions and in the way that is determined by the Decision and for which will be announced a public invitation.
To recall, assistance for war veterans in a state of social need will amount between 83 BAM and 209 BAM, and it will depend on the number of months spent in the army service.
The Government of the FBiH also approved the allocation of the remaining part of the grant funds that was determined in the Budget of the FBiH for 2017 to the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry of the FBiH. The aim of these funds is settling the payment of contributions for the Pension and Disability Insurance and retirement of 29 employees in the total amount of 409.137,11 BAM.
The Government of FBiH amended the Decision on the implementation of measures for decrease of electricity costs to households and stimulation of energy efficiency. According to this decision, subsidies will be expressed in the bills for used electricity until the deadline that will be determined later, which the Government of FBiH is doing from time to time. With this amendment, the deadline was extended until June 30, 2018.
The Government of FBiH agreed with the Decision of the Board of the Financial-Informatics Agency regarding the amendments to the Decision on fees for services.