The decision according to which only vehicles that meet the Euro 4 standard will be able to get imported in BiH, yesterday entered into force.
“Considering the fact that, when imported, commercial motor vehicles are participating with less than 10 % of the total number of imported vehicles, it was decided that the ECO-4 standard on the importation of used vehicles treats M1 and N1 categories,” as stated from the Ministry of Communications and Transport of BiH.
EURO 3 standard that was introduced in the EU in 2000, practically allowed the import of vehicles up to 18 years old, because some manufacturers met the standards earlier. The same applies to the EURO 4 standard which was introduced as an obligation in the EU on the 1st of January 2005.
“It should be emphasized that the application of this decision and the introduction of standard ECO-4 on the importation of cars in BiH is to align the minimum technical requirements of vehicles with European standards in this area and to reduce environmental pollution and health hazards in BiH, as well as to improve the standard in environmental protection in terms of the use of motor vehicles,” as stated from the Ministry.
When making decisions on minimum technical requirements for newly produced and used vehicles in the approval procedure, it was primarily taken into account the objectives that this decision needs to realize, and that is to increase environmentally friendly vehicles in traffic in BiH, while taking into account other parameters such as, among others, the level of development of the economy and the possible burden that this decision may cause.