The accused is charged with attacking the official persons of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina while they were performing tasks related to security and with inflicting bodily injuries on them, as well as with preventing official persons of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the exercise of their official tasks which they were undertaking under their official authority.
Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against Negoslav Obackic, born in 1997 in Zvornik, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The accused is charged with not following the orders given by the police officers of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina to stop the VW Golf vehicle he was driving on 30 January 2018, at the entrance to the Tabanci settlement in Zvornik municipality, and with subsequently attacking those official persons by driving his vehicle at them, thus inflicting bodily injuries on them, after which he moved away in an unknown direction.
This accused person is also charged with using force while driving a VW Passat car on 28 May 2018 in the place called Sopotnik in Zvornik municipality and thus preventing the official persons of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina from carrying out their official tasks, as he blocked their way and prevented them from arriving at the site where they had planned to intervene.
The accused is charged with attacking official persons on tasks of security in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus inflicting lighter bodily injuries on them, as well as with using force to prevent official persons in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina from exercising their official tasks which they were undertaking under their official authority. Thereby, the accused committed the following concurrent criminal offences: the criminal offence of Attack against the Official Person on Tasks of Security, Detection and Apprehension of Perpetrators of Criminal Offences, referred to in Article 241b, paragraph 2, in conjunction with Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the criminal offence of Preventing Official Person in the Exercise of Official Duty, referred to in Article 241a, paragraph 1, all in connection with Article 53 of the same Code.
The Indictment has been forwarded to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for confirmation.