Presidency of BiH received an invitation to attend inauguration of the new President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Croat Member of the state Presidency Dragan Čović told to FENA.
He said that the Presidency has yet to make a decision whether all three Members will attend this ceremony, which will take place on February 15 in Zagreb.
”According to a previous preliminary agreement, it was planned that all three Members attend, but given the date of this and other events was not familiar at the time, we concluded we would agree later on if all three of us will go. I will definitely attend, and I will suggest that all three Members attend this event as presidents of a neighboring and friendly country,” said Čović.
Speaking about possibility of one of the first foreign policy meetings of the newly elected Presidency being with Members of the BiH Presidency, Čović said that talks he has had with Grabar-Kitarović were moving in that direction.
”She is formally performing duties of the President as of February 19 and we will see her plan and dynamic, but I think that BiH will be priority in that foreign policy communication. It is logical to me that one of the first meetings of the newly elected President is with the BiH Presidency,” Member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Čović told FENA.
Inauguration of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who will succeed Ivo Josipović as the President of Croatia, will be held on Sunday, February 15 at St. Mark’s Square in Zagreb. New Croatian President will take an oath before the President of the Constitutional Court RC Jasna Omejec and many officials from Europe.
(Source: vijesti)