Four more types of cigarettes will become more expensive by the end of the month. Although the increase in prices will amount to miserable 20 fennings, the consumers of cigarettes complain how more and more of their money literally ends up in smoke. They still did not recover from the latest increase in prices, from the beginning of June.
The best thing to do would be to stop smoking, but that is very difficult when you have been smoking for decades, the consumers say. Habit is another nature. Because of the prices, many have started rolling tobacco long time ago.
Tobacco companies have the right to change prices of cigarettes, stated the Indirect Taxation Authority. As it is no one’s goal to lose a loyal customer, the sudden and drastic changes in prices are usually avoided, so the majority opts for gradual and certain increase.
Companies are obliged to deliver a notice on possible changes in prices to the Indirect Taxation Authority one month earlier. When the new price becomes effective, that price becomes the valid one, regardless of what is written on the package.
“On the day when the new price becomes applicable, distributors of cigarettes are obliged to make an inventory of the stock, count the difference in excise taxes and pay it to a unique account, and the new prices must be placed on a visible place in every store or selling point, until the new packages with new labels and new price appear on the market,” said Ratko kovačević, Head of the Department for Communications of the ITA BiH.
The season of increases in prices of cigarettes began in April, the new increases are announced by the end of June, and it depends exclusively on tobacco companies whether this trend will continue or not.