The son of convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic, Darko Mladic, revealed in a TV interview that he visited his father after the verdict was pronounced and that he told on that occasion that he would be worried that he was released. Also, he emphasized that it was important for the people to protect Republika Srpska (RS).
Darko mentioned that his father was well, “calm and settled”, and that he sounded good during the visit, which he attributed to adrenaline. While commenting on his general condition, he said that it would only be known in the upcoming days how yesterday’s events would affect his health.
Mladic told his son to “tell everyone” that he would be worried that they had released him, and that “the NATO pact condemned him because he defended his people and prevented their plans to deport Serbs from their centuries-old hearths.”
Also, he emphasized that “the people should not be worried about the verdict”, but that it is important that they protect the RS, and that his fate is less significant.
Darko noted that his father expressed gratitude to Judge Nyambe “for showing extraordinary courage to oppose the judicial mechanism, which all these years, since its establishment, has been judging according to pre-written standards and divides victims into suitable and unsuitable”.
In the end, he pointed out that he knows what the people think about him, but that “it is not important, the only thing that matters is to protect the RS”, Klix.ba writes.