Revaccination of residents of Sarajevo Canton with AstraZeneca vaccines will begin tomorrow in the “Juan Antonio Samaranch” hall (Zetra) in Sarajevo.
Citizens will be called through the information system of the Health Insurance Institute of Sarajevo Canton, and they are asked to strictly adhere to the terms from the call.
The coordinator for vaccination in the Sarajevo Canton, Ademir Spahic, announced that on Wednesday, July 7, citizens who received the first dose of that vaccine on April 21 will be revaccinated.
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zoran Tegeltija, stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina currently has about 930 thousand doses of vaccines against the corona virus. Tegeltija pointed out that about two million doses, among others from the COVAX system and the EU mechanism, should arrive in BiH by the end of the third quarter. “Since vaccines arrive in BiH continuously, we appeal to all institutions dealing with immunization to provide citizens with more accessible vaccination points and openly launch a campaign of mass immunization of the population to make movement safer and to be more ready for the new school year,” he said. Although the epidemiological picture is currently relatively calm, Tegeltija stated that, according to the statements of health experts, the danger has not passed and that it is not the time to ignore the recommended protection measures. “Therefore, we once again appeal to all citizens to adhere to the prescribed epidemiological measures, and to approach vaccination, as the main public health tool in the fight against Covid,” he said, Klix.ba writes.