As the epidemiological situation in Sarajevo has worsened in recent days, the number of patients waiting in line in front of the COVID clinic has increased. All of this motivated citizens to react and try to help others in need.
In the lines in front of the Sarajevo Health Centers, some patients have high temperature and are exhausted while waiting for their turn for a doctor’s examination. Considering that there are no classic waiting rooms with chairs in front of the COVID clinic, this is a problem for patients who are forced to stand sometimes for several hours with already developed symptoms.
Nevertheless, the citizens of Sarajevo did not need much time to organize and help their fellow citizens and make it easier for them to wait for a doctor’s examination.
Aida Feraget shared this humane act on her Facebook profile and also invited fellow citizens to join if they are able.
“I have a good reason to like Mirvad. He is a good man! He called last night, said he can’t watch people suffer, and that he has to do something. This morning the realization. They went to wash the chairs and headed to the Health Centers. There was a line in front of Omer Maslic Center. People were in disbelief. ‘Are these chairs really for us’, asked one lady. The patients came immediately, helped to unload and arrange the chairs. Our amazing people are immediately organized. And she thanks, blesses… They tell us that everyone is fine, we just need to be careful themselves and they thanked once again, ” she stated yesterday.
She goes on to say that “this good man initiated the action, everyone is welcome to volunteer, take out a chair, give tea, go for medicine or medical record for those who can’t go by themselves. ”
” ‘Let’s show solidarity’ is Mirvad’s call, the one I will always respond to, with all my heart and without thinking. I also invite all of you who are reading this, if you are in Sarajevo, at least we can have solidarity,” she wrote.
According to the data of the Public Health Institute of Canton Sarajevo (CS), there are currently 5.188 active cases, and 6.919 are in self-isolation in CS.
In the last 24 hours, 1.846 samples were tested in CS, and 674 newly infected persons were registered, as was announced yesterday, Klix