Milan Miličević is the new president of the Serbian Democratic Party. It was decided at the electoral assembly of SDS. Miličević did not have an opponent in these elections, and out of 352 delegates – he received the support of 347 of them. He spoke to Dnevnik 2 about how he will manage the largest opposition party in the RS, what his goal is, what his ambitions are, and what he will do.
Miličević reminded that before the election he went through many municipal and city committees – and that undivided support was visible.
“It is very demanding to be the president of the SDS, after a series of continuous defeats lasting fifteen or more years, but it is encouraging and a challenge to me that there is a lot of energy that needs to be shaped and directed, and that is the change of government in the RS – no because of the change of government, but because the situation here is alarming.
“The situation in the RS and in the whole of BiH is very worrying, but first of all the economic situation, then the outflow of the population, the careless attitude towards European integration and our candidate status,” said Miličević.
The new president of SDS asserted that politicians in both entities are more declarative about these things, that it happens in narrow circles: “It annoys me a lot when I read that 5-6 parties sat down somewhere and discussed changes to the Electoral Law – as if it only concerns them, and not other parties, associations of citizens, groups of citizens…”.
SDS will offer solutions, Miličević said – because we are tired of people criticizing ‘you are criminals, you are traitors’.
As for the relationship between the People’s Front and Jelena Trivić – that has been resolved: “I am patient, we already have communication with all opposition parties in the RS, but this time we will go more concretely – without vanity, going back to the past.” If we have a common goal – and that is the change of government, then we will work together”.
The relationship of SDS towards Bosnia and Herzegovina will be as prescribed by the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and RS: “I do not want to talk about secession, independence and peaceful or any other separation – these may be historical processes to which we will adapt, but now we are an entity within BiH, which is ready to do everything, I speak on behalf of SDS, that we live better in this country, the entities and the Brčko District than now”.