Nino Ćatić was a journalist who informed the public about the suffering in Srebrenica every day via radio. He reported for the last time on July 10, 1995, desperately begging for someone to help Srebrenica.
Srebrenica is becoming a slaughterhouse, Nino said back then, and no one helped. The world was standing still, watching the innocent citizens being killed and genocidal plans of the leadership of the Republika Srpska being implemented.
“The killed and wounded are constantly brought into the hospital. It is indescribable. Three mortal projectiles fall on this town every second. Seventeen killed people and 57 severely and lightly wounded people were just brought into the hospital. Can anyone come here to see the tragedy that is happening in Srebrenica? This is an unseen crime being executed against the Bosniak population of Srebrenica. Population in this town is disappearing. Who is behind this? I am afraid that will no longer be important for Srebrenica. Srebrenica is turning into the biggest slaughterhouse,” said Ćatić then.
People of Aleppo now send the same cries for help as the people of Srebrenica did in 1995.
“All of you who can hear me, we are facing a genocide in Aleppo right now. This might be my last message,” said the activist Lina el-Shami, speaking of the tragedy that is taking place in the city of Aleppo in Syria.
U.S. journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem, one of the rare ones who is in the eastern part of Aleppo controlled by the rebels, recorded a message in which he calls out the Muslim countries which did not help Aleppo.
Other citizens of Aleppo desperately ask for help, saying that Assad’s soldiers can come every moment and execute the remaining civilians. UN reports that the Syrian military is killing the citizens of Aleppo, which Assad denies.
Just as Akashi, Boutros-Ghali and Russia ignored the calls for help from Srebrenica in 1995, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergej Lavrov now casts the blame on NATO, saying that NATO and the western countries are to be blamed for the situation in Aleppo and Syria.