Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH Adil Osmanovic awarded the State Award for Sport to the captain of the national football team of BiH, Edin Dzeko yesterday in the building of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
This award is the highest recognition that BiH awards for contribution and promotion of sports and Minister Osmanovic noted that the Law on Sports of BiH provides granting of the State Award for Sport.
“I am especially pleased as the minister in charge of the coordination of sport, that we have welcomed our dear football player Edin Dzeko, talked to him and congratulated him on the success that he achieved in Roma and the national team of BiH,” said Osmanovic.
He particularly emphasized Dzeko’s role as the ambassador of UNICEF.
“We all know that all great athletes, in which we include our Edin Dzeko, had a thorny path of success. None of them could rise to as high and respectable level as they did in an easy way. If Argentina has Messi, Portugal Ronaldo, and Sweden Ibrahimovic, we are proud to have Dzeko,” stated Osmanovic.
Dzeko said that he is honored to be the winner of the award on the highest state level.
He also added that he will donate the award in the amount of 15,000 BAM to charity and in three equal parts – to the Parents’ House in Sarajevo, the Children’s Home in Mostar and Children’s Home in Tuzla.