The association of real estate experts in B&H aims to arrange the real estate field in B&H in accordance with world standards RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).
Prof.dr. Muharem Karamujić, who returned to B&H after 20 years in Australia in order to start this process in B&H, said that everything is being implemented according to the plan.
He stated that the aim of the association towards the global standards of Royal Institute of Great Britain is to systematize the profession and to issues licenses to professionals in this field and then to organize continuing education in cooperation with the Economic Faculty of Sarajevo and to link professionally all those interested so that this field can progress.
He highlighted that the association was promoted this year, and operates in its full capacity since September 2013. He states that the interest is huge, especially from financial institutions.
This association will establish for the first time in B&H strict professional standards in this field based on the RICS rules, which is recognized in the world as a highest institute of quality standards.
(Source: Fena)